
This website is sponsored by SCFP International.

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Unless noted otherwise, copyright for all materials is held by Leslie Wannemacher.

Photography by:

Marc Ewell (Home b, About a, b, c, About the Curriculum b, c, d, f, i, k); Zeke Du Plessis (About the Curriculum g, h); Elysse Patten (About the Curriculum e); Aileen Agoncillo (About the Curriculum j); and Rodney Ballard (About banner, About the Curriculum a) from Wycliffe Global Alliance ( under Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0 (

Akara Yoth Tat No (Stories of Impact c); Aleksandar Popovski (Stories of Impact a); Devaiah Mallangada Kalaiah (About the Curriculum banner); Egor Myznik (Stories of Impact banner); Huanshi (Stories of Impact b); Larm Rmah (Curriculum Overview banner); Mi Pham (Home c); Natalie Pedigo (Home banner); Pisit Heng (Stories of Impact e); Quinn Buffing (Stories of Impact d); Surinder Pal Singh (Risk and Protective Factors banner) on Unsplash (

Gordon Johnson (Translations banner) on Pixabay (

Illustrations by:

Sharon Wade (website logo) at

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