The Strengthening Christian Families Program International (SCFP Int'l) is an evidence-based family skills training program that includes wisdom from God’s Word, the Bible. The 18 lessons are designed to help improve family communication and develop positive social skills so that parents and children have closer family relationships. This also helps children stay free from addictions and other delinquent behavior, which improves their quality of life and, in turn, strengthens society.
Research shows that most youth drug use can be prevented by parents who are trained in the three types of skills taught in this course:
BONDING Creating warm, loving relationships
Setting clear BOUNDARIES against drug and alcohol use
MONITORING emotional well-being and social activities

The SCFP International program provides separate lessons for parents, teens, and children. The different classes all have their own separate set of curriculum for the instructor to use. Each set contains 3 books: The teaching manual and teaching aid pages for the instructor to use, and the lesson handout book for the participants. There is also a separate Family Group Manual with ideas for a family activity to do after the parent/teen/child groups meet. Ideally, the family is taking this class together.
Each lesson in this curriculum includes many activities. If possible, split your time into two time segments: Spend 60-90 minutes for the separate parent, teen, and child lessons, and 30 minutes for the Family Group Time activities. During Family Group Time, each family participates in an activity that practices the key concepts that they learned in their separate groups. This is the most effective way to use the program.

Since many languages do not yet have access to online information about the topics in the curriculum, there is a lot of information included that the teacher can choose to use. The lessons are organized in a way to allow the teacher to choose which activities to do based on the time, literacy level, and interest of the group.